
Showing posts from June, 2012

Snail Mails

Its seldom we receive letters from our friends and relatives. What we receive these days are the formal letters from banks or insurance companies. New technology which eradicates the time taken for communication and easy access has replaced letters with emails and cell phones. Quick and live communication via emails, phones and internet have completely uprooted the tradition of writing letters. The fast and active lifestyles with tight schedules and deadlines have sidelined the passive letters. It is also now associated with a stigma ‘Snail Mail’ as the whole process of communication takes a very long time.  The pleasure of receiving letters, reading them and replying are long lost. These pleasures are untouched by the current techno addict young generation. The pleasure we get while writing a letter with a pen filled with the ink of emotions is not present in typing mails or making a call. Writing a letter is an art and has a different kind of pleasure which we don’t get from the